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ROYAL-DRAGONS 17 Feb 2010 18:45 #41248

Bienvenido Duroc, embajador de los Reales Dragones, toma asiento y ponte comodo

:VP: :VP: :VP:

" el verbo de la Historia Militar de España,porque alli donde se ha combatido en mar o en tierra,siempre ha habido un soldado de Infanteria de Marina...
Conde de Torre Velez(Parlamento 1904)."
Última Edición: 04 Nov 2013 19:05 Por CeltíberoClearco.

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 17 Feb 2010 19:52 #41251

Bienvenido Duroc, un placer tenerte en el castillo y gracias por la visita.

Un saludo :D

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 15 Mar 2010 20:36 #42052

Hola a todos,

Si os puede facilitar la comunicacion, puedo dialogar con los Dragones en frances, sera un plazer.

Ya me direis


mi emilio es : Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Mar 2010 06:12 #42069

Pues seria de grab ayuda frog,

Bienvenido a nuestro foro dragon -Duroc sientete como en casa.

Tabla oficial de posiciones Campeonato VI
Campeón Celtíbero Juanjo!!!

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Abr 2011 14:34 #54268

  • Dragon-Duroc
Hello Honorable Celtibero Clan,

It saddens me to tell you that one of your celtibero member dishonored me by quitting a game that he was losing.

This saturday, I played against Celtibero Marq, and as he was about to lose, he disconnected and quit the game without giving me the winning and the points.

I am ready to accept this coming from noobs and total war unprofessionals but very surprised coming from such an honorable clan such as yours.

It is not respectful to quit when you are facing another clan member.

This in no way tarnishes our relations, but as Daimyo and ambassador of the Royal Dragons, I hope this will not go unpunished.


Dragon - De Duroc

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Abr 2011 14:45 #54273

  • Annibal
A ver¡¡

DONT BE UPSET, Dragon- De Duroc; MARQ was having an EMERGENCY..He will apologyce you..IF NOT TELL US..


(What i am doing here) pardon¡

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Abr 2011 14:56 #54275

  • Dragon-Duroc
I understand that he might have had an emergency. but and emergency right at the end of the game!!??

He should have conceded defeat instead of disconnecting his internet.

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Abr 2011 14:59 #54276

Duroc, let us speak with him, we have to apologize of the incident.
Soy encantan las galletas.

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 16 Abr 2011 15:11 #54279

  • CeltiberoCid
  • Cid Campeador
  • Fino Filipino
  • Temas: 1054
Dragon-Duroc escribió:
Hello Honorable Celtibero Clan,

It saddens me to tell you that one of your celtibero member dishonored me by quitting a game that he was losing.

This saturday, I played against Celtibero Marq, and as he was about to lose, he disconnected and quit the game without giving me the winning and the points.

I am ready to accept this coming from noobs and total war unprofessionals but very surprised coming from such an honorable clan such as yours.

It is not respectful to quit when you are facing another clan member.

This in no way tarnishes our relations, but as Daimyo and ambassador of the Royal Dragons, I hope this will not go unpunished.


Dragon - De Duroc

do you have a screenshot or the replay of that battle?

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 17 Abr 2011 09:36 #54293

  • Dragon-Duroc
Hello Cid,

First, I would not have come if that was not the case. What you be my purpose?

Then Annibal says that Celtibero Marq had an emergency, which proves that he left the game. So why didn't he concede.

Finally, I do have a screenshot of me obtaining no points at the end of the game. It did not allow me to get a replay. Will post it later

A understandable but weird question Cid. Why would I come to your forum and say such things. Would make no sense.

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 17 Abr 2011 10:12 #54298

Hello Duroc.
Annibal, does not belong to the clan Celtiberos. Their views are not those of the clan.
We are looking at your complaint, please a little patience.


Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 18 Abr 2011 12:03 #54354

  • Annibal
CeltíberoClearco escribió:
Hello Duroc.
Annibal, does not belong to the clan Celtiberos.

YEAH¡¡¡ Dragon-Duroc..I should Have said "IT might have had an Emergency" not "An Emergency"..I wansn't there..Dragon-Duroc


Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 18 Abr 2011 13:15 #54365


CeltíberoMarq didn't quit, just got dropped.

Please don't make this matter more important that it is.
We've apologize for this. So what do you want more?.

Our behavior in the community and on-line battles during the past 11 years, since today,has been intachable. You should not doubt what we have explained to u and btw you should show more respect for our castle / clan.

So, sorry, this matter is closed.

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 18 Abr 2011 18:08 #54380

  • Dragon-Duroc
You dare tell me that I am lying. That Marq "got dropped" at the last minute of the game when all his units were routing.

You apologize but yet you tell me that he got dropped but did not quit. You guys are something.

I feel I'm talking to politicians. You guys are not lying you are just not telling the truth.

As you can see on my first message, I showed the outmost respect for you clan. I am just telling you the truth, and sometimes (as I can see) the truth hurts.
Última Edición: 20 Abr 2011 15:43 Por .

Re: ROYAL-DRAGONS 18 Abr 2011 20:21 #54383


We will not waste a minute more on this topic.
Marq didn't quit just dropped. I have apologized and that's it.

Topic closed.

A word of advice: It would better that you talk to Mark first, instead of accusing him in public in our castle.

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