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Announcement: The Gaza Campaign
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TEMA: Announcement: The Gaza Campaign

Announcement: The Gaza Campaign 25 Sep 2008 20:27 #12883

  • sertorio67
  • Samurai Nodachi
  • Temas: 214
E B I I T u t o r i a l C a m p a i g n

The year is 313BC and the wars among the Diadochoi are taking their toll on the people of the Eastern Mediterranean. Ambitious generals vie with each other for lordship over the domains of Megas Alexandros and peace is fleeting. Ptolemaios Lagou, an esteemed Strategos and friend to Alexandros, attempts to keep the balance of power spread equally among the Diadochoi, without favouring one man over another. It was he who spirited the body of Megas Alexandros to Alexandreia to be interred so that Perdikkas, the Imperial Regent, could not lay claim to the throne at the expense of the child kings Philippos and Alexandros. In defence of this careful balance he fought Perdikkas on the banks of the Neilos and defeated him in battle, but Ptolemaios refused to accept the title of Regent afterward.

But now a new tyrant has arisen, one Antigonos I Monophthalmos, who threatens to upset the balance of power and throw all of Asia and Greece into turmoil and endless war. This Antigonos had many years earlier incurred the wrath of Perdikkas and had resettled to Makedonia with his son, Demetrios, after losing his seat in Phrygia. There he found favour with Antipatros, Regent of Makedonia, and won influence at the Royal Court. After the death of Perdikkas, Antigonos once again returned to the politics of Asia, having united with the other Strategoi of Alexandros in support of Kassandros against the new Regent of Makedonia, Polyperchon. But his ambitions quickly turned to Asia, and after occupying Babylon, he made attacks on Kypros and Syria, both territories that Ptolemaios considers within his area of influence.

But Ptolemaios Lagou is not alone, for a man with ambitions has many enemies. The other Strategoi, even Kassandros, have joined in an alliance against Antigonos, but it is Ptolemaios who must act. On Kypros the Basileus of Salamis, Nikokles, has been overthrown by rebels backed by Antigonos. Ptolemaios, who has an alliance with Nikokles, has sent his brother, Menelaos, to Kypros where he has also been joined by the fugitive Strategos of Babylon, Seleukos. Together they must win back Salamis and destroy the influence of Antigonos on this island. But Ptolemaios must also be wary of his border with Phoinike and Syria, and so he has sent out his general, Kelles, to the fortress of Pelusion in case of attack from Antigonos or his son, Demetrios.

In this tutorial you will be introduced to some of the new game mechanics that will form part of EBII. You will be introduced to how the authority buildings work, and how they affect public order. You will find out what happens to infrastructure buildings when you conquer new settlements, and how to proceed once control has passed to you. You will also be introduced to the first of the four socio-political types, the city-state type, and how city-state factions spread their influence and culture into a province through the use of military or trade colonies

Re: Announcement: The Gaza Campaign 26 Sep 2008 07:29 #12902

¡¡Madre mia que ganas de que salga!!

En cuanto salga el EB II, ya le pueden dar mucho al Empire XDD :P
No destruyas del todo a tu enemigo... ¡¡mañana puede ser tu aliado!!

Re: Announcement: The Gaza Campaign 26 Sep 2008 15:44 #12916

Ya te digo thormes,donde se ponga una buena lanza,espada o maza.Que se quite los mosquetes,pistolas y cañones varios... :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:

"Los hombres ofenden antés al que aman que al que temen" (Maquiavelo)
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