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91 Mensajes


La verdad es que si, en ved de estar en formación falange estaán desperdigados por el mapa.. Supongo que será para que el trailer quedara mejor, ya que los hoplitas donde realmente cogen fuerzas son en formación.
tráiler de las facci ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
si os fijáis al final pone que la fecha de salida será el 1 de septiembre, y mirando por zavi , la fecha de publicación que aparece es el 5 de julio, saldrá antes de lo que esperamos, vosotros que creéis?

Dejando este tema de lado, creo que han confirmado que mañana darán una noticia importante, en cuanto la vea la publicare en el foro, intentaré informarme lo antes posible.
tráiler de las facci ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
¿os acordáis del tema que he abierto esta tarde? aquí os dejo el vídeo, disfrutadlo ;)
tráiler de las facci ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
espero que en un futuro DLC implementen a los íberos como facción, aunque puede que sea soñar mucho...
¿Será verdad lo del ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
no está nada mal la verdad
ROME 2 cover
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
Siento decirte que te equivocas clearco, será una especie de DLC gratis para los que hayan reservado el juego, es decir no es como tu bien dices un juego, ya que será un contenido exclusivo, el cual supongo que las demás personas podrán disfrutar después de unos meses de la salida del juego y puede que incluso pagando.

A eso en mi idioma lo denominamos pack , DLC o contenido exclusivo: ).(lo remarco por si sigues creyendo que es un juego)
¿Será verdad lo del ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
Según esta imagen se rumorea que Esparta, Atenas y Euripes estarán implementados en un pack griego.

¿Será verdad lo del ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
a ver que os parece esta entrevista que ha aparecido en exclusiva en el foro de total war:

How far east does the Campaign Map go?

Quite far! More to come on that soon, we hope J
Will there be Mini-Campaigns beside the Grand Campaign like in Napoleon Total War?

We’re focusing on delivering a single, epic campaign – so all of our energy is going into that right now. It’s something that’ll consume hours of your life – it’s all about the core Total War experience. I wouldn’t rule out mini-campaigns in the future, but it would depend on what people want. Right now people tell us they want big Total War experiences.
We heard that each playable Faction will have their own unique Tech Tree based on their culture. Could you please tell us more about these Tech Trees?

Yeah, like you said, each culture will have its own Tech Tree variant. We’re keen for a faction in Rome II to mean something significant, so each faction will play differently – they’ll fight differently, they’ll have different personalities and they’ll also have a different technological approach on the campaign map. It’s all about adding variety and building replayability into the game.
Which famous historical characters will have the ability to appear in the game as Generals, Agents, or as other NPCS?

There will be a few, let’s put it that way! We always try to get big figures from history into our games in some way – they help set the scene, and it’s always cool when you rout one of them and rewrite history.
What improvements are being made to diplomacy?

Bigger, better and more in-depth. We’ll reveal more on this soon – keep your eyes peeled.
Will multi-core programming be properly implemented?

We’ve been building on the engine since Empire’s release, and every iteration in the series brings with it a host of optimization improvements. We’re getting to the stage of development where we’re really digging into those fundamentals now – keep an eye out for the min and recommended specs closer to release.
There supposedly is three stances that armies can be put into that give various effects. Could you elaborate more on these effects? Also we know that Each Stance affects the armies ability to move on the campaign map? Do armies move farther than in previous Total War games with the turns being equivalent to one year?

Armies and fleets, at the outset, will not be moving ridiculously far. As settlements and their interconnecting roads develop, and technologies and skills which facilitate movement and logistics are invested in, this base movement range will increase.

Furthermore, armies and fleets can be put into either the “Forced March” (armies) or “Double Time” (fleets) stances, which doubles their movement range but at cost of not being able to initiate battles (reinforcement is still possible), being more vulnerable to ambushes, and with some morale debuffs in the event that they are attacked.

In addition to Forced March, armies can attempt to lay an ambush/surprise attack on any piece of navigable terrain via the “Ambush” stance. The success of an ambush attack depends on the nature of the terrain in which an attempt is being made (ambushing in open terrain is obviously more difficult than in an alpine forest) and on any skills and traditions in play on that army.

Both armies and fleets can raid, which halves their movement range but also halves their upkeep as they forage and secures a little extra funds from nearby trade routes and settlements, albeit with diplomatic penalties with the local region’s owner or – if raiding within one’s own territory – public order penalties.

Finally, armies can fortify and fleets can patrol, greatly extending their reinforcement ranges and granting them a number of defensive bonuses. For armies, this also includes providing a number of defensive deployables which may otherwise only be available to forces or commanders which have invested in certain skills, and in the case of Rome this provides the fortified army with a small encampment to defend.
Will the replenishment system will be like NTW/TWS2 or will it be like ETW?

Nap/S2. Fleets can replenish on see, as armies on land. The amount based on the ownership of the sea region. When it’s contested you can replenish only in your ports.
There are three families for a couple factions. What are the inter faction dynamics like for other factions?

Player ‘family’, ie the ruling power and their supporters (the king, chief, etc.) vs. the rest, ie the council, the court, other nobles and people of ambition.

Note that Rome and Carthage also have a ‘senate’ party in addition to the families.

While in Rome or Carthage the struggle is between families for the leadership (and to establish a monarchic state), for other factions the goal is to maintain the authority and control over the faction. If you stop being the most powerful others will challenge your family and eventually usurp in a civil war to replace you as high king, chieftain, etc.
How does enslaving a population work?

Following battles, you have the choice of enslaving captives. Following settlement battles, depending on whether you occupy peacefully, loot, raze, etc. you will also enslave a portion of the captives and populace.

These slaves are distributed throughout your faction, increasing the number of slaves in every province you hold and therefore improving the economy, but also increasing slave unrest which – if left unchecked – may lead to servile uprisings. There is an optimal level of slaves where the economic benefit is the highest and the public order cost is still relatively easy to cope with.

Slaves diminish over time, so enslaving captives is essential if the economy is to run optimally. Note that although a populace may be enslaved following conquest, there is no explicit concept of population this time around.
Are taxes set per Provence or on Empire level?

Faction-level. As ever, the player may exempt provinces from tax, and once an entire province is owned the player can issue a tax/tribute farming edict which will increase the amount of tax income received as long as it is in play, albeit while reducing local public order.
Is Plunder when a town/city is conquered done automatically or can you assign levels of despoiling?
You can loot, as in Napoleon and S2, but you can additionally raze a settlement, quickly doing away with buildings in preparation for your reconstruction.

Barbarians can additionally sack a settlement, which is effectively loot and move on, meaning that they needn’t burden themselves with governing troublesome regions when all they are after is wealth and glory.
si no sabes inglés.. ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
No te falta razón, pero hasta que el juego no salga y vea esta nueva implementación con mis propios ojos la tomaré como una aportación positiva para el juego. Por otra parte, como bien has dicho, en medieval tenías que andar haciendo maravillas en medio de la batalla para poder ver las armaduras, pero ya han pasado unos añitos de eso y no creo que sea un problema en rome 2
imágenes de rome 2 t ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
Veo que el hype no puede con la verdad en tu caso, yo pensaba lo mismo que tu, pero al ver vídeos e ir buscando información el hype ha salido victorioso ... :D
Pre-Compra Rome 2 TW ...
Categoría: Discusion general
Espero que el castillo tenga unos buenos sillones de piel, soy muy sibarita para este tipo de cosas xD
Nuevo recluta que se ...
En eso te doy toda la razón, pero e de decir que estas cosas tan sencillas son las que diferencian un gran juego de un juego.
imágenes de rome 2 t ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
me acabo de dar cuenta que al pinchar el archivo adjunto aparece algo de "damage prototipe" así que supongo que tendrá que ver con lo que e explicado.
imágenes de rome 2 t ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
Es algo que seguramente mucha gente del foro haya visto, pero simplemente es para que no decaiga el flujo de información. E aquí las siguientes imágenes en las que podemos apreciar un desgaste de las armas y armaduras, lo que me hace pensar que según el daño que hayan recibido nuestras unidades,en las primeras filas de soldados se atisbarán rasgos significativos de que nuestras unidades han entablado combate. ¿que os parece a vosotros?
imágenes de rome 2 t ...
Categoría: Rome 2 Total War
Llama mucho la antención tenerlo por 35 euros..., pero la cuestión es que amí los TW me gusta comprarlos en formato físico
Pre-Compra Rome 2 TW ...
Categoría: Discusion general
Hola a todos, me presento como gran aficionado de esta grandiosa saga. La sigo desde el TWMedieval, y la verdad que os voy a decir que no sepáis de ella...
Sin más dilación decir que se presenta un nuevo hombre a filas para cuando queráis un poco de acción.
Un saludo para todos los amantes de esta grandiosa saga, se despide BarbaroIberico
Nuevo recluta que se ...
91 Mensajes

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