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NTW3 V4 12 May 2014 18:58 #73112

Última Edición: 01 Jun 2014 12:37 Por CeltíberoClearco.

Re: NTW3 V4 12 May 2014 19:12 #73113

  • CeltíberoJaskier
  • Brujo Ártabro
  • Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho.
  • Temas: 1987
Lo quierooooo!!!
Cuando abrí el post pensaba que me encontraría los enlaces ya le tengo ganas de probar

Re: NTW3 V4 24 May 2014 10:34 #73166

probando el N3.7 este video me suena a horas y horas de batallas....solo la presentacion con la carga de Murat en Eylau....ains


Re: NTW3 V4 24 May 2014 10:35 #73167

Por cierto, se sabe algo? mayo se acaba....

Re: NTW3 V4 24 May 2014 11:55 #73170

El mod esta acabado y hecho el instalador.

Not long to wait now.
I hope this will wet our players' appetite:

NTW:3 V4
New MP features.

New rating system for all factions.
This is to aid in creating balanced battles with uneven numbers of players, or teams with different skill levels.

Basically each faction now has an Effectiveness Rating. This varies from 20 for the Major powers (France, Russia, Prussia, Austria & Britain) to as low as 10 for some of the new, restricted, minor factions.
This rating is a guide only. It is calculated from the troop quality, price penalties & types of troops available to a faction.
For example:
Poland has a wide range of high quality troops available & they pay almost no price penalty for them. ER=19.
Hesse – Darmstadt has a small selection of elite troops available. With the Pricing penalties they cannot fill more than 10-12 slots in a MP battle. ER=12.
Naples has a large roster of poor troops (except for some cavalry & couple of Guard Infantry). ER =15.

To use the ratings:
Each team in a battle is given a total Effectiveness Rating. These can be the same for a balanced battle. One side may receive less because they have a defensive advantage, or more experienced players who want a challenge.
The value of the combined ERs of the selected factions may not be greater than the agreed amount.
For example:
5 players wish to have a battle. To make it balanced it is decided that each team may have a total ER of 40.
The team with 2 players picks 2 majors (ER 20 each).
The side with 3 players picks 2 restricted minors, Sardinia (ER10) & Hesse (ER12) plus one strong minor Bavaria (ER18). A total of 40
So both sides are, in theory, balanced.
Although one side has an extra player, two on their team have restricted minors that will only be able to fill 10 to 12 slots. So the numbers will comparable & the greater quality of the major’s troops will compensate for any deficiency here.

The flag of each faction in the multiplayer lobby with show the Effectiveness Rating. By looking at this it will be easy to see if the 2 teams are matched appropriately.

New Command point (CP) unit.
A slow moving objective, that can be positioned almost anywhere on the map.
The High commander & his staff have no ranged attack & are virtually immune to musketry & cannon fire.
They will defend themselves like grenadiers if close assaulted.
This is the only honourable way to claim your opponent's Command Point.
The Command Point will inspire near-by units.

Use this unit to create different scenarios in your NTW:3 multi-player battles, such as:

Defend a position.
Timed battle (suggest 30 minutes for two players, 45 for four, 60 for six & above)
The defending side purchases one or more CPs.
In the deployment part of the battle the defender positions his CP(s).
To win the Attacker must take the defenders CP(s) before the timer runs out.
The rules may specify that once placed a CP cannot be moved, or positioned in a building.

Cover your Train.
Each side purchases a CP.
The winner is the first side to eliminate the opponent's Command Point.

Variant Line of Communication (LoC)
When using one of the LoC maps the Command point can act as an extra VP, worth an agreed value. Rules for placement could be as ‘Defend a position’ above.

Handicap a team.
Outside the in-built Effectiveness Ratings of a faction you can further weaken it by buying a CP & spending extra points by boosting its experience.
Experience level 7 doubles the cost, 8 triples it & 9 increases it to five times the basic cost.
A CP bought to experience level 7 would reduce the Effectiveness rating of a faction by one, level 9 by two.

All values are 5x higher than previous versions, so a morale of 5 (in V3) is now a morale of 25.
The new system should produce more stable morale in smaller battles (2 to 4 players) As well as more predictable results all-round.

Greater fatigue costs for infantry running, shooting & melee.
Higher negitive effect to shooting for being fatigued.

New Drill system.
Infantry are now divided into 2 classes, conscripts & below (generally morale 4, or 20 in the new system) have poor drill. Better troops will form up & fire after movement quickly (a second or two). The lower grade troops will take 4-5 seconds.

Revised accuracy ratings: less difference between good & bad troops, slightly improved mid-range accuracy.
More fatigue for firing & greater decrease in firing effect from being fatigued.
Movement speed of large units increased.
Russian infantry marching speed further improved.
Musketry of Russian troops improved.
Musketry of Austrian troops improved.
Spanish Elite troops made more expensive & some with tighter caps.

Revamped Skirmishers: Their fire is less effective, but they are now cheaper & have the ability to ‘form-up’ & fight as part of the line. They will be very vulnerable to charges & cannot form square.
Most militia class units can now form close column (pike square).

Better acceleration when moving.
Improved combat stat’s for medium & heavy cavalry.
Slightly decreased pricing for medium & heavy cavalry.
Slightly faster movement for medium (dragoons generally) cavalry
Light cavalry made slightly weaker (lower morale) for average units, or slightly more expensive for ‘battle cavalry’ (more capable elite units).
Lancers made less effective in sustained melee, but still strong in the charge.
Cossacks adjusted to be better at ‘hit & run’ tactics.

Solid shot more effective.
More effective canister for heavy guns.
Howitzers scatter increased. They inflict losses at about 2/3 the rate of an equivalent, 2 gun, 6pdr battery. But damage buildings about 1.5 times as fast.
Movement of all foot guns slightly increased, heavy guns getting a greater increase.
Cheaper 3/4pdr cannon.

Última Edición: 25 May 2014 02:27 Por CeltíberoClearco.

Re: NTW3 V4 31 May 2014 19:21 #73207

Liberada la version 4.0 !!!!!!

Afilar las bayonetas, cargar los cañones y preparar las anfetas para la caballería .....

Enlaces en el primer mensaje.
Última Edición: 01 Jun 2014 12:38 Por CeltíberoClearco.

Re: NTW3 V4 31 May 2014 19:58 #73208

Que diferencia hay entre el Main Pack y el HB Pack? Cual descargo?
Todo hombre cosechará lo que haya sembrado, desde el más alto señor a la más ínfima rata de cloaca. Os garantizo que algunos perderán mucho más que las puntas de los dedos. Han hecho sangrar a mi reino, y eso no lo voy a olvidar.

Re: NTW3 V4 31 May 2014 20:33 #73209

Digamos que el HB, son para las batallas históricas.
La verdad es que no he leído nada sobre la instalación. Supongo que habra que instalar el mod principal y si vas a jugar históricas instalar el HB.

Por si acaso, descargaros los dos. Acordaros que antes de desinstalar la versión anterior, si le teniais puesto, hay que ejecutar el mod Napoleonic anterior y ponerlo en modo vanila. Luego ejecutar el unistall.

Para aseguraros que habeis desinstalado todo, id a la carpeta data del Napo y eliminad a mano todos los ficheros que empiecen por NTW3.

Otra hay un sub-mod para los que juegan a 1600 o mas este:

Con el, se hara mas facil la eleccion de ejercitos. Para instalarlo creo que basta con ponerlo en la carpeta data.

Re: NTW3 V4 04 Jun 2014 19:22 #73228

Ya esta disponible el V4 !!

Un abraso

Re: NTW3 V4 23 Jun 2014 13:01 #73286

Bueno, como está el tema: Merece la pena volver o no?. Comentarios por favor!!!

Re: NTW3 V4 23 Jun 2014 14:18 #73287

  • CeltíberoJaskier
  • Brujo Ártabro
  • Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho.
  • Temas: 1987
No la he probado mucho, apenas un par de batallas de momento, pero es una versión muy parecida a la 3.7.

Caballerías un poco más rápidas y se cansan menos.
Caballerías ligeras con menos moral.
Los cuadros de infantería no son tan potentes como antes.

Esos son los primeros cambios que he notado de momento, aunque como digo creo que no son diferencias grandes respecto al 3.7.

¿Merece la pena?
Yo creo que si, de echo no estamos jugando más noches porque somos pocos los que lo tenemos instalado ahora mismo, si Draco y Juanjo ya lo tuvieran seguro que jugariamos más

Re: NTW3 V4 23 Jun 2014 18:56 #73288

Yo creo que al menos si merece una oportunidad.
Ademas, las nuevas formas de juego, la de tomar determinadas posiciones del mapa o la unidad que simula el cuartel general y que si es tomada, hace perder toda la moral del su ejercito dan mas posibilidades que el aniquilar al enemigo.

Re: NTW3 V4 12 Oct 2014 11:14 #73985

Esta batalla se ha peleado ayer con Thader,

Espero que podais abrir el enlaze porque se puede ver una animacion del mini-mapa que muestra el movimento entero de la batalla, muy muy bonito.


Re: NTW3 V4 12 Oct 2014 13:22 #73986

  • CeltíberoJaskier
  • Brujo Ártabro
  • Si te caes siete veces, levántate ocho.
  • Temas: 1987
Muy curioso el video

Una buena forma de ver el desarrollo de tremenda batalla y en poco tiempo.
Se ve muy bien como avanza la batalla, con el flanco izquierdo destrozando y obligando al enemigo a retroceder, con esas caballerías por la espalda.

Está muy bien

Gran batalla!!!

RE: NTW3 V4 16 Oct 2014 13:10 #74022

Hola soy nuevo en esto y estoy interesado en el modo Napoleon 4.0 para escargarlo, una pregunta, me tengo que descargar primero los anteriores modos o descargando este de Napoleon 4.0 es suficiente, muchas gracias.
Última Edición: 16 Oct 2014 16:33 Por CeltíberoClearco.
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